The Epoch Advisory

epoch is "the beginning of a distinct period in the history of anything."


Our Mission is Epoch. 

And that mission is to produce work that conveys our client's messages in memorable, moving, unique ways. Ways that make us proud. We think strategically. And we thrive on creativity. We come from such diverse backgrounds allowing us the opportunity to see the same project from a different angle and offer ideas that really reflect our collective experience. We are problem solvers. And our solutions are the backbone to what brings our and our client's ideas to fruition. 

Our Goals are Epoch.  

We are passionate about helping our clients influence society and our culture with positive messages reinforcing the importance of growth, inspiration, and evolution. Everyday is an new opportunity to create something out of nothing - for the better. We aren't just focused on creating content for the sake of content, we are focused on tackling social issues and have founded USB: United Stance Against Bullying. USB’s goal is to set clear expectations about how harmful cyberbullying is and its serious real-life counterpart. Our goal is to utilize our projects to educate the society with a model of positive and respectful digital behavior for a safe and enjoyable space for everyone.


Our full-service company is geared to take Hollywood by storm, threatening to release a steady steam of exciting, fresh, and innovative production concepts to award-winning standards. 


Whether old media or new, we have positioned ourselves as the driving force behind tomorrow's superstars by offering flawless productions and sending real meaningful messages. 

Track Record. –

Their track record says it all from Netflix, American Express, the Dolan Twins, Nespresso, Warner Bros., Legendary Films, Lakeshore Entertainment, Fortnite, Houston Hospitality, just to name a few.